Useless Productions in Context-Free Grammars Assignment Help

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Useless Productions  in  Context-Free Grammars:

Given a context free grammar G = (V, Σ, P, S), it may have rules which are useless for a number of reasons. For instance, consider the grammar G3  = ({E, A, a, b}, {a, b}, P, E), where P is set of rules

E -aEb,

E -ab,

E -A,

A -bAa.

The basic problem is that nonterminal A  does not derive the terminal strings, and hence, it is useless, as well as the last 2 productions.  Now let us consider the grammar G4 = ({E, A, a, b, c, d}, {a, b, c, d}, P, E), where P is set of rules

E -aEb,

E -ab,

A -cAd,

A -cd.

This time, nonterminal A generates strings of the form cn dn, but there is no derivation E 1356_Useless Productions in Context-Free Grammars.png α from E where A occurs in α. The nonterminal A is not connected to E, and the last 2 rules are useless. Fortunately, it is possible to find this type of useless rules, and to eliminate them.

Let T (G) be the set of nonterminals which actually derive some terminal string, that is

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The set T (G) is defined by stages. We de?ne the sets Tn  (n 1) as follows:

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It is simple to prove that there is some least n  such that Tn+1= Tn , and that for this nT (G)= Tn .

If S / T (G), then L(G)= , and  G is equivalent to trivial grammar

G' = ({S}, Σ, , S).

If S T (G), then let U (G) be the set of nonterminals that  are useful, that is,

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The set U (G) can be computed by stages also. We define the sets Un  (n 1) as follows:

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It is simple to prove that there is least n  such that Un+1= Un , and that for this nU (G) = Un {S}.  Then, we can use U (G) to transform G into an equivalent CFG in which every nonterminal is useful (that is, for which V - Σ= U (G)). Simply delete all rules having symbols not in U (G).  We say that a context-free grammar G is reduced if all its nonterminals are useful, that is, N = U (G).

It should be kept in mind that although dull, the above considerations are essential in practice. Algorithms for constructing parsers, for instance, LR-parsers, may loop if useless rules are not eliminated! Consider the other normal form for context-free grammars, the Greibach Normal Form.

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