Universal Turing Machine:
- Given the description of a DTM T and an input string z, a universal TM simulates how T works on input z.
- What's required to be done?
- How do we describe T and z on tape
- How do we simulate T
Encoding function
- Let T= (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, s) be a TM. The encoding function e(T) is defined as follows:
- e(T)=e(s)#e(δ),
- e(δ)=e(m1)#e(m2)#...#e(mn)#, where δ= {m1, m2,..., mn}
- e(m)=e(p),e(a),e(q),e(b),e(d), where m = (p, a, q, b, d)
- e(z)=1e(z1)1e(z2)1...1e(zm)1, where z=z1z2...zm is a string
- e(Δ)=0, e(ai)=0i+1, where ai is in Σ
- e(h)=0, e(qi)=0i+1, where qi is in Q
- e(S)=0, e(L)=00, e(R)=000
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