Uni-junction transistor Assignment Help

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Uni-junction transistor

2282_uni junction transistor.png

The graph of  figure 1 shows relationship in between emitter voltage and current. vE  is plotted on vertical axis and IE  is plotted on horizontal axis. The region from vE  = 0 to vE  = VP  is called as cut off region as no emitter current flows (except for leakage current). Once  vE exceeds peak point voltage, IE increases, but v E decreases. Up to certain point usually know as valley point (VV and IV). This is called as negative resistance region. Beyond this, IE  increases with vE this is saturation region, which exhibits a positive resistance characteristic.

The   process   responsible   for   negative resistance characteristic is called as conductivity modulation. When vE exceeds VP voltage, holes from P emitter are injected into the N base. As the P region is heavily doped  compared  with  N-region, holes  are injected to lower half of UJT.

The lightly doped N region gives these holes a long lifetime. These holes move towards B1 to complete their path by re-entering at the negative terminal of VEE. The large holes create a conducting  path  between  the  emitter  and  the  lower  base.  These  increased charge  carriers represent a decrease in resistance RB1, therefore can be considered as variable resistance. It decreases up to 50 ohm.

The diode threshold voltage decreases with the temperature and RBB resistance increases with temperature as Si has positive temperature coefficient.

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