Trigonometric integrals Assignment Help

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Trigonometric integrals

Integrals of form ∫ R ( sinx, cosx) dx

Here R is THE rational function of sin x and cos x.This can be translated in integrals of the rational function by substitution:  tan(x/2) = t. This is the called as universal substitution. In this case

20_Trigonometric integrals.png.

At times, instead of the substitution tanx/2 = t, it is more beneficial to make the substitution cot x/2 = t

Universal substitution leads to very cumbersome calculations. Which is indicated below are those cases where the aim can be achieved with help of simpler substitutions.

(a)  If R(-sin x, cos x) = -R(sin x, cos x), substitute cos x = t

(b)  If R(sin x, -cos x) = -R(sin x, cos x), substitute sin x = t

(c)  If R(-sin x, - cos x) = R(sin x, cos x), substitute tan x = t

Integrals of the form:

1432_Trigonometric integrals1.png

Rule for (i) : In this integral express numerator as l (Denominator) + m(d.c. of denominator) + n. Find l, m, n by comparing the coefficients of sinx, cosx and constant term and split integral into sum of 3 integrals.

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Rule (ii) : Express numerator as l (denominator) + m(d.c. of denominator) and find out l and m shown above

Example:  Evaluate 2342_Trigonometric integrals3.png. 

Solution:        If in expression 1667_Trigonometric integrals4.png we substitute -sinx for sin x, then integrand will change its sign. Thus, we take advantage of substitution

                        t = cosx; dt = - sinx dx. This gives

              1357_Trigonometric integrals5.png


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