Tree Domains and Gorn Trees Assignment Help

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Tree Domains and Gorn Trees:

Derivation trees play a very significant role in parsing theory and in proof of a strong version of the pumping lemma for context-free languages called as Ogden's lemma. Therefore, it is significant to define derivation trees. We do so by making use of Gorn trees.

Let N+ = {1, 2, 3,.. .}.

Definition: A tree domain D is the nonempty subset of strings in 1391_Tree Domains and Gorn Trees.png satisfying the conditions:

(1) For all u, v ∈ 1391_Tree Domains and Gorn Trees.png, if uv D, then u D.

(2) For all u ∈ 1391_Tree Domains and Gorn Trees.png, for every i N+ , if ui D then uj  D for every j,1 j i.

The tree domain

{ 1211, 21, 22, 221, 222, 2211}

Can be represented as follows:


1411_Tree Domains and Gorn Trees1.png

A tree labeled with symbols from a set Δ is defined as follows.

Definition: Given a set Δ of labels, a Δ-tree is a total function t : D → Δ, where D is a tree domain.


The domain of a tree t is denoted as dom(t).  Every string u dom(t) is known as tree address.

Assume Δ = {f, g, h, a, b}. The tree t : D → Δ, where D is tree domain of previous example and t is the function whose graph is

{( , f ), (1, h), (2, g), (11, a), (21, a), (22,f ), (221, h), (222, b), (2211, a)}

Can be  represented as follows:

1947_Tree Domains and Gorn Trees2.png

The outdegree (at times called as ramificationr(u) of a node u is cardinality of the set

{i | ui dom(t)}.

The outdegree of a node can be infinite.  Most of the trees which we shall consider will be finite-branching , that is, for every node u, r(u) will be an integer, and thus finite. If the outdegree of all the nodes in the tree is bounded by n, then we can view the domain of the tree as defined over {1, 2,..., n}*.

The node of outdegree 0 is known as leaf . The node address of which is known as root of the tree. A tree is finite if the domain dom(t) of it is finite. Given a node u in dom(t), every node of the form ui in dom(t) with i N+ is called a son of u.

Tree addresses are ordered lexicographically :  u v if u is a prefix of v or, there exist strings x, y, z ∈ 1391_Tree Domains and Gorn Trees.png and i, j N+, with i < j, such that u = xiy  and v = xjz.

In the 1st case, we say that u is an ancestor of v  and in the 2nd case, that u is to the left of v.

If y  and z , we say that xi  is a left brother of xj, (i < j).  Two tree addresses u and v are independent if u is not a prefix of v and v is not a prefix of u.

Given a finite tree tyield of t is string

t(u1 )t(u2) ··· t(uk ),

where u1 , u2 ,..., uk   is sequence of leaves of t in lexicographic order.

For instance, the yield of tree below is aaab:

527_Tree Domains and Gorn Trees3.png

Given a finite tree t, depth of t is integer

d(t)= max{|u|| u dom(t)}.

Given a tree t and a node u in dom(t), subtree rooted at u is tree t/u, whose domain is the set

{v | uv dom(t)}

and such that t/u(v)= t(uv) for all v in dom(t/u).

Another significant operation is the operation of tree replacement.


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