Threads in Java Assignment Help

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Threads in Java:

It is often the case that you would like a program to be able to do more than one thing at a time. You might, for example, want to monitor the keyboard for a key being pressed by a user and, at the same time, track the movement of the mouse by the user and repaint the screen. Each of these tasks can be thought of as a single thread in a program. These threads all exist in the same executing environment and so are not the same as different programs. They are separate activities within a program, each of which has a beginning and an end. So far, all of the programs that you have written have had only one thread in them and this has been the thread started by the main method. For example, in the ball and paddle game, the control of the paddle and the movement of the ball were competing for the computer's resources and this gave the game a jerky action. What we would really have liked to do is have the paddle control and the ball motion working independently of each other. We can achieve this by making each of these tasks into a thread. Each of these threads can then be running simultaneously, each being between their start and finish at any point in time. Threads are not the actual static code itself but rather they are the dynamic process of executing that code.

The concepts surrounding the use of threads are a very important part of large-scale programming and are concerned with an area of computer science known as concurrent systems. Briefiy, a concurrent system consists of a collection of separate activities or tasks that are simultaneously at some stage between their starting and finishing point. There is, of course, a great deal more to say about concurrent systems but this simple definition will suffice here.

Java provides a great deal of support to the creation of such independent activities or tasks. Each task is made into a thread and on a multiprocessor computer, each thread can truly run at the same time as all of the other threads (up to the number of processors available, of course). However, on a single-processor computer, the CPU can carry out only one set of instructions at a time. In this situation the threads share the CPU, and the operating system will allocate small blocks of time to each thread. This gives the illusion to each thread that it has sole access to the CPU.

As well as making programs more responsive, threads can also be very useful in making use of the times when a processor is idle because it is waiting for something to happen.

Examples of this are as follows:

  • a program waiting for the user to key in some characters from a keyboard;
  • a program awaiting the retrieval of data from a disk drive, a mechanical device that can take many milliseconds to carry out its work;
  • the delay that occurs when the frames of an animation are being loaded.

Threading is an approach to sharing the resources of a computer in such a way that when a particular thread can no longer continue executing or when it has used up its allocated block of time, another thread can begin executing. When this thread is held up, another thread - perhaps even the one that was originally held up - can be executed.

So threads allow programs to give the impression of being able to do many things simultaneously and also enable the program to make best use of the CPU resources that are available.


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