The protected and default access levels Assignment Help

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The protected and default access levels:

Qualified name access to members designated protected or of default access level (because they have no access modifier) is available only to classes in the same package. In this respect, there is no distinction between these two access levels. For example, if we have: 

package AppletUser;

public class UserV3 


// protected instance variable

protected int numOfAccesses;

// default access level method

void setNumOfAccesses(int n)


numOfAccesses = n;



and we were to test the class as follows: import AppletUser.*; // this class does not compile! 

public class TestUserV3 


public static void main (String []args)

// this method has a UserV3 reference

UserV3 myUser;

// initialize the reference

myUser = new UserV3();

// qualified access to instance variable numOfAccesses

// is not allowed!

myUser.numOfAccesses = 1;

// qualified access to setNumOfAccesses method

// is not allowed!




we would find that the class TestUserV3 does not compile, because the condition that it should be in the same package as UserV3 is not satisfied and therefore it cannot access either the protected or the default access level members of UserV3. Instead of importing the classes in the AppletUser package, the TestUserV3 class would have to be preceded by the words package AppletUser; 

Inheritance of protected and default members

Where the protected and default access levels differ is in terms of inheritance of members by subclasses. Any subclass inherits any protected and public members of its superclass. Any subclass in the same package as its superclass inherits not only the protected and public members of its superclass, but also any default access level members. Default access level is sometimes known as 'package access' for this reason. Thus the default access type is more restrictive in terms of inheritance of members than the protected type. These members are inherited only by subclasses in the same package as the superclass. For example, the class UserV3 above has the method setNumOfAccesses defined as default access level. Therefore, any class extending UserV3 and intending to use setNumOfAccesses  must be preceded by the statement:

package AppletUser;

instead of importing from the AppletUser package. If setNumOfAccesses had been defined with protected access level, then it would have been suf?cient for any subclass definition to start with an import statement. 


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