The MIS Implementation Process Assignment Help

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The MIS Implementation Process:

The most crucial part in the MIS implementation efforts is the implementation process itself. The implementation process involves installing the MIS physically in the organization and training the users to adapt to the system. The implementation process includes planning, organizing, developing procedures, training the users, developing forms for data collection, developing files for storage of data, testing the system, cutover, and documenting the system. Let us examine each of these steps in detail. As the planning part of the implementation process has already been discussed, let us understand the next step in the process, i.e. organizing for implementation.

Organizing for Implementation

This step involves supervising the major responsibilities in implementation. The project manager is often entrusted with the responsibility of implementing the MIS. In large organizations, the manager of the MIS is entrusted with this responsibility but in small organizations, the functional heads may take it up. Line managers must be entrusted with the responsibility for implementation and their roles have to be clearly defined and explained to them. Middle level managers should be briefed by the top management about the duties of line managers so that they can assist them. Systems specialists will have to assist the managers in implementing the MIS. The management should strive to inculcate a sense of responsibility in all the staff members, including those involved in operating the system.

Developing Procedures for Implementation

Proper procedures should be established for the implementation of the MIS. These procedures guide the project leader through the process of system installation and implementation. Procedures should be established for the following purposes:

  • Evaluation and selection of hardware
  • Purchase or development of software
  • Implementation of MIS in parts

Hardware and Software Acquisition

Acquisition of hardware and software has to be made for the physical installation of networks. Hardware includes computers and other peripherals, while software includes the operating system, applications, and programming languages. Apart from acquiring standard software, at times, it becomes necessary to develop custom software to suit an organization's requirements. Programming languages are used to develop such custom-based software. Development of such software can be done either internally or outsourced to a third party. Another major managerial decision involved in this stage is whether to buy the hardware or lease it from the vendors. Capital expenditure analysis, prestige, usage, anticipated replacement schedule, and vendor's options are some of the factors that are taken into consideration to decide whether to buy the hardware or lease it.

Develop Forms for Data Collection

Organizations generate or collect a vast amount of data from both internal and external sources. This data must be stored in standardized formats. To do so, daily activities should be recorded in specifically designed forms. Even in organizations where sophisticated technology is used for recording of data, some forms need to be used. These may be formats in which data is stored. Forms are used not only for input/output of data but also for transfer of data between processes. Take the example of a system for screening resumés. The resumé, i.e. the input, is screened by the computer on the basis of the criteria specified by the system. Only resumés that meet these criteria are selected and passed on to the HR department. Since forms are critical inputs, they have to be designed with care. 


Cutover is the point at which the new system replaces the old system. This entails activities like the physical transfer of files, furniture, and other office equipment and also the movement of people. Even after component and subsystem testing, problems cannot be ruled out. Problems can arise from improper training of personnel and employees' incompatibility with the new environment. The people who designed the new system should be present to sort out any problems that may arise. System designers play an important role in ensuring a smooth transition. An inexperienced designer is likely to assume that his/her work is over once the new system has been installed. But an experienced designer will make several calls to ensure that the system is functioning properly. The designers will be able to find out if employees are secretly using the old methods because of their resistance to change. If they detect any such activity, they should report it to the management so that corrective action can be taken. The change-over process may take several months. During this period, forms and programs may have to be changed and some employees may be transferred. It is at this stage that the practical realities of the system are reflected. These cannot be found out during the pre-acceptance testing.

Documenting the System

Documentation is the process of maintaining written reports describing the scope, purpose, information flow, and operating procedures of the system. It is required when there is need for troubleshooting, replacement of the subsystem, training operating personnel, and upgrading the system. Maintaining documents helps organizations in several ways:

  • New personnel can be trained easily with the help of documents
  • Designers who are not familiar with the system can refer to the documents to understand the system
  • Documents serve as a common reference for managers, designers, and programmers
  • New plans, schedules, and processes can be developed easily with their help


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