The game MIDlet Assignment Help

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The game MIDlet:

Every mobile application written in Java is based on a MIDlet, which extends the MIDlet class and forms the starting point when the application is launched. When a MIDlet is first made active, its startApp() method is invoked. The MIDlet will create and display the various other objects that are needed for the application. It may create threads and set them running.

The MIDlet is also responsible for seeing that if the application is paused for an incoming phone call it is resumed correctly when the call ends. When a MIDlet is paused its pauseApp() method is invoked. When it resumes, its startApp() method is invoked again.

At the end, when the application finishes, the MIDlet must free any resources it has been using and stop any threads it has started. This cleaning up happens when the MIDlet's destroyApp() method is invoked.

In our case study application the MIDlet is called U12MIDlet.

When the application runs, the MIDlet creates an instance of Game, displays it and starts it. This object then creates all the other objects used in the game, acts as the container in which they are displayed, and handles all the animation and user interaction.

If the application is paused at any point, the MIDlet tells the game to suspend itself. Once the interruption has passed, the MIDlet notifies the game thread that it should resume running from the point where it was stopped.

The game screen has an exit command attached to it. The command listener for this command is the MIDlet. If the user presses the Exit key at any point, control is passed to the MIDlet's commandAction() method, which invokes the MIDlet's destroyApp() method to kill the application.


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