The char type Assignment Help

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The char type :

Java has a character data type called char,which allows you to represent single characters. Character literals are denoted by a value enclosed within single quotes:

char alpha;
char punc;
char num;
alpha ='e';
punc ='?';
num ='1';

The above statements declare and initialize three character variables, alpha, punc and num.The variable alpha has been initialized to contain the character 'e', punc has been initialized to contain the character '?',while num has the value '1',which is not the same as the integer value 1.

A character variable can be assigned any value in the Unicode character set, which is an international set of characters (for example,Greek and French characterssuch as 'Δ' and 'é' are included). This means that we can write software for users around the world.

Escape sequences

The character literal '\u00A9' is an example of an escape sequence,which is a sequence of characters standing in place of a single value. Escape sequences in Java are marked by the use of the backslash character,which indicates that what followsis not to be interpreted literally.The characters following the backslash indicate the nature of the special information being represented. In this case, u00A9 indicated that this was the Unicode character with value 00A9. Character literals allow us to specify non­ standard characters such as #.

'\n' n
'\\' .

Some other examples of escape sequences relate to characters that are not printable; for example, the 'tab' horizontal spacing character has no obvious literal representation.

The most commonly used escape sequence is the character ,in which the stands for 'newline', meaning the character that moves the screen cursor down one lineis the literal for the backslash character The literal for the single quote character is ,in which there are two single quotes after the backslash, the second of which indicates the end of the literal.


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