Symbolic addressing Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Addressing on the internet >> Symbolic addressing

Symbolic addressing:

The most familiar form of addressing is symbolic. This is the sort of web address you see on an advertisement, and which you typically enter into a browser to access a particular site. It uses a form of hierarchical naming that identifies a decreasing collection of computers at each level, finally ending up with a single computer. For example, consider the following symbolic address for the main Open University web server:

To interpret this address you read it from right to left: uk signifies a collection of computers associated with the United Kingdom;
ac identifies those computers associated with academic institutions such as universities;
open refers to those computers associated with The Open University;
www is the name of a computer, the name usually given to a web server.

Thus the address can be read as:
The computer www belonging to The Open University, an academic institution associated with the United Kingdom.

There are many other collections of computers within the internet - for example, the collection com is associated with companies. So, for example, the address:

refers to the computer www associated with the company google, which is a commercial company offering a well-known internet search engine.


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