Swing is the Elementary Java GUI widget Toolkit Assignment Help

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Swing is the elementary Java GUI widget toolkit. It is a component of Oracle's Java Foundation Classes (JFC). Oracle's Java Foundation Classes is an API for rendering a graphical user interface (GUI) for Java programmers.

Swing was evolved to offer a more advanced set of GUI components than the earlier used Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). Swing offers a native look and feel that simulates the look and feel and supports a pluggable look and feel to the fundamental platform. It has more flexible and powerful component parts than AWT. Swing provides several innovative components such as scroll panes, tabbed panel, trees, lists and tables, along with some  associated components such as  check box,  labels and buttons.

Swing components are not written by platform-specific code as in AWT components,. On the contrary, they are implemented exclusively in Java and are platform-independent. The term "lightweight" is used to distinguish such elements.

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