Statements, scope and operators in Java Assignment Help

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Statements, scope and operators in Java:

we discuss in what parts of our code it is legal to use a declared variable, which depends on what is known as the scope of a declaration. We also look at operations we can perform on the data in our programs. To do this, we first need to define what we mean by a line of code, or a statement. A statement is a unit of executable code, usually terminated by a semicolon. Statements can be written to occupy one line of code, but the physical layout of code is not significant, and it is possible to have a single statement that extends over several lines of code.

There  are  rules  that determine the type  of every  expression and  we can  assign an expression to a variable  of the same type.  In this way, we can  save the result  of operations we have  performed.

Operations involving variables will be  meaningful only if the variables have  been properly initialized, so it is good practice to give any variables you declare an initial value.


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