Standard input and output streams Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Input and output streams >> Standard input and output streams

Standard input and output streams:

We have already encountered one stream object, namely System.out whose println method we have  used to display information  on the computer screen. For example:

System.out.println("The program has started");

The System class found  in java.lang provides reference variables for three predefined streams,, System.out and System.err. The standard input stream is and  it normally carries data from the keyboard of your computer; System.out is the standard output  stream and  is normally directed to a window on the screen of your computer; System.err can  be used by the programmer to display error messages, and  the destination is normally a screen window. All these three  standard stream references are  declared as  public and  static, so they can  be  conveniently accessed directly  via the System class, without the need to create an object.

The System.out and  System.err streams are  of type  PrintStream and  have println and  print methods immediately available for use.  The stream is of the generic type  InputStream and  is not so straightforward to use.  It must  normally be  used in combination with other  streams.

Input and  output  operations of all kinds are particularly  likely to give rise to errors  of the 'unexpected' kind, such as missing data files or errors  in the format of input data. These situations are  normally catered for in Java by means of exceptions. At the point in the code where  the error occurs, we say  the code throws  an exception.

We shall see, later in this unit, the detail of how exceptions work and how to handle them. For the moment, we will deal  with possible exceptions in a very simple  way. Any method that could  give rise to an input/output exception must  declare this by adding throws IOException at the end  of the method header, as  in the following example:

public void openStreams (String fileName)throws IOException




Failure to declare this causes a compiler  error.  If such an exception does occur, the program will terminate with an error message  indicating that an IOException has occurred.


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