Sprites and sounds in Java Assignment Help

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Sprites and sounds in Java:

In this case study we return to the world of MIDlets - software for small devices such as mobile phones. The sample application we shall explore is a very simple mobile game.

We met the core API of the Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) in Unit 10. In developing our game we use two newer extensions of J2ME:

  • the Games API, which provides support for graphics including programming game backgrounds, animated objects and user interaction;
  • the Media API, which supports sound.

These are part of MIDP 2.0, which supports a much richer gaming environment than MIDP 1.0.

Games programming is of extraordinary interest in itself but what the unit is intended to illustrate is the central theme of our course - that Java is recognizably the same language, with the same principles, on all platforms whether large, medium or small.

The example presented in the unit is only a demonstration prototype. At the end of the unit we will briefiy survey some of the main things that would need doing to it before it could become a deliverable game for mobile phone users.In this game the player uses the arrow keys to control a small robot (the object at top left in Figure) moving about in a micro-world. The goal is to reach the star portal visible near the bottom right. If the robot can successfully get to the portal before the clock runs out it will be able to escape to another dimension.

The micro-world contains obstacles - water, sandy patches and clumps of trees. The robot is unable to travel across any of these (robots are not good with such things) and can move about in the green areas only.


Figure: The micro-world of the game


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