The energy to which the human ears are sensitive is named as sound. In general all kinds of waves are produced in an elastic material phase, Irrespective of whether these are listen or not are named as sound.
According to their frequencies, waves are divided into three categories:
(1) Audible or sound waves : Range 20 Hz to 20 KHz. These are created by vibrating bodies such as vocal cords, membrane or stretched strings.
(2) Infrasonic waves : Frequency lie below 20 Hz.
Example : waves produced during earth quake, ocean waves etc.
(3) Ultrasonic waves : Frequency greater than 20 KHz. Human ear cannot listen these rays, certain creatures such as dog, bat and mosquito show result to these.
Important Points:
• Supersonic speed : An object moving with a speed greater than the speed of sound is said to move with a supersonic speed.
• Mach number : It is the ratio of velocity of source to the velocity of sound.
Mach Number = Velocity of source/Velocity of sound.
• Difference between sound and light waves:
(i) For propagation of sound rays material phase is needed but no material medium is required for light waves.
(ii) Sound rays are longitudinal but light rays are transverse.
(iii) Wavelength of sound waves limits from 1.65 cm to 16.5 meter and for light wave it limits from 4000 Å to 2000 Å.
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