Servlets Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Java Programming Concepts >> Servlets


We have seen that Java can be used to write independent applications and for applets that run on the client side of a web client-server system. Java can also be used very effectively on the web server side of a client-server system.

Early web systems had some limited interactivity, using the concept of web forms. Most web users will have seen these online forms, when filling in personal details to log on to some system or perhaps to buy something over the web. The HTML code to display a web form is run by the browser on the client. However, there is clearly a need to process the form information and perhaps store it - this is done on the server. This processing of HTML form data can be done in many different languages: C++, Perl and Java have all been used. In these early systems, this processing was done following a set of standard rules called CGI or the Common Gateway Interface. In many modern web-based systems CGI has been replaced by more efficient technology - for Java-based systems, we use Java servlets, which are part of the J2EE specification.

In this section, we shall see how servlets can be used for processing data from HTML forms, but also for many other purposes. We shall also see broadly how servlets are written. Because it is not within the scope of this course, we will not actually ask you to write any servlet code, but we will include some information that allows you to follow this up independently, if you wish to do so.

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