Schrodinger wave equation Assignment Help

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Schroinger wave equation

(1) The Schrodinger wave equation was given by Erwin Schrödinger in the year 1926 and based on dual nature of an electron.

(2) In it electron it is described as a three dimensional  wave in the electric field of the positively charged nucleus.

(3) The probability of getting the electron at any point around the nucleus can be determined by the help of Schrodinger wave equation which is given as follows,

1505_schrodinger wave equation.png

         Here x, y and z are the 3 space co-ordinates,
m = mass of an electron,
h = Planck's constant,
E = Total energy,
V  = potential energy of electron,
2348_schrodinger wave equation2.png =  the amplitude of wave also known as wave function,
∂   = for an infinitesimal change.

(4) The Schrodinger equation of the wave can also be written as,1510_schrodinger wave equation1.png

      Here  37_schrodinger wave equation3.png = laplacian operator.

(5) Physical significance of  2348_schrodinger wave equation2.png  and 1309_schrodinger wave equation5.png

         (i)  The wave function  2348_schrodinger wave equation2.png  represents amplitude of the electron wave. The amplitude  2348_schrodinger wave equation2.png  is therefore a function of space co-ordinates and time that is750_schrodinger wave equation4.png

         (ii) For the single particle, a square of the wave function  1309_schrodinger wave equation5.png  at any point of time is proportional to the probability of finding the particle at that point.

         (iii) If 1309_schrodinger wave equation5.png is maximum than probability of finding e- is maximum around nucleus and the place where probability of finding e- is maximum is called electron cloud electron density, or an atomic orbital. It is not similar from the Bohr's orbit.

         (iv)    The solution of this equation provides us a set of number known as quantum numbers which describe the specific or definite energy state of the electron in an atom and information about the shapes and orientations of the most possible distribution of the electrons around the nucleus.


Radial probability distribution curves
: The radial probability can be given as  2251_schrodinger wave equation6.png 
 The plats of R distance from the nucleus are given as follows 

1722_schrodinger wave equation7.png


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