Relation between G and g Assignment Help

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If M is the mass of earth and R is the radius, the earth attracts a mass m on its surface by a force F given as:

            F = GMm/R2

This force impacts acceleration to the mass m, which is known as acceleration due to gravity (g).

By Newton's II' nd Law, we have:  acceleration = force / mass

            g = F/m = (GMm/R2)/m = GM/R2

On the surface of earth, g = GM/R2

Substituting the values of G, M, R we get g = 9.81 m/s2.

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Variation In Acceleration Due To Gravity:

(a) Variation of g with altitude: At an altitude h above the earth's surface,

            R′ , the distance from the centre of the earth = R + h

            Thus,     383_Relation between G and g.png                (  GM = gR2)

          282_Relation between G and g1.png

            or,        1635_Relation between G and g2.png

            This implies that, for h <<R,

                        g = g(1-2h/R)

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            At a height of 100 km from the field, the acceleration due to gravity decreases by a fraction of

(b)       Variation of g with depth: At a depth, x, below the earth's surface, the only change is not just due to the change in the distance from the centre of the earth, but also due to a change in the 'effective' mass of the earth that contributes to g at this point. Only that portion of the earth that is enclosed by a sphere of radius RS ( = R - x) centered at the earth's centre is effective.

If we assume the earth to be a sphere having uniform volume, then,

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                        g′ =      g(1-x/R)    ( since R = RS + x)

            Therefore, at a depth of 10 km below the earth's field, the fractional decrease in the acceleration due to gravity is,       approximately,  0.16%

            In reality, the change will be much less as the density of the earth is not constant throughout as we have assumed in fact the crust has a much lower density as compared to the core.

(c)        Variation with latitude: The effective value of the acceleration due to gravity changes with latitude owing to the rotation of the earth.

Referring to the figure, at a latitude Θ (Point Q), the effective weight,

                        mg′ = mg - mw2 r  cosΘ           . . . (i)

Where mw2 r is the "centrifugal force" and we take its component in the vertical direction and mg is the weight in the absence of rotation.

Now,    r = radius of the circle rotating about Q.

              = QE = R cos Θ (from ΔCQE),

Therefore,       g'= g - w2 R cos2 Θ

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            or,        g'=253_Relation between G and g9.png             ...(ii)

            Now,    w= 2p/86400 s-1, R Ξ 6400 km, g = 9.8 m/s2

            So,       w2 R/g Ξ 0.34%, which is indeed a very small effect

            At poles:          Θ = 90°   1082_linear motion.png g / = g

                    the motion of the earth has no effect on the gravity at poles.

            At equator:    Θ = 0°   1082_linear motion.png      1600_Relation between G and g10.png 

(d)       Effect of the surface of Earth

The equatorial radius is about 21 km longer than its polar radius. We know, 2368_Relation between G and g12.png . The weight of the body increase as the body is taken from the equator to the pole.

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Work Done in Displacement of a body in gravitaional field:

If a body of mass m is displaced in a gravitational field from point A to B, then work done by external agent can be given as

                     W = UB- UA 

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Thus work given in displacing an object in gravitational field can be given as

Work done = mass of body * gravitational potential difference of the terminal points. 


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