Regular Languages
- Regular expressions
- Regular languages
- Equivalence between languages accepted by FA and regular languages
- Closure Properties
Regular Expressions
Regular expression over alphabet Σ
-- regular expression.
- ε -- regular expression.
- For any aΣ∈, a is a ordinary expression.
- If r1 and r2 are regular expressions, then
- (r1 + r2) is an ordinary expression.
- (r1 × r2) is an ordinary expression.
- (r1* ) is an ordinary expression.
- Anything else is not a regular expression.
is a regular language equivalent to the regular expression
- {ε} is a regular language equivalent to the regular expression e.
- For any symbol aΣ∈, {a} is a regular language equivalent to the regular expression a.
- If L1 and L2 are regular languages equivalent to the regular expression r1 and r2, then
are regular languages equivalent to (r1 + r2) , (r1 × r2), and (r1*).
Simple examples
Let Σ= {0,1}.
- { Σ∈a*|a does not contain 1's}
- (0*)
- { Σ∈a *|a contains 1's only}
- (1×(1*)) (which can can be denoted by (1+))
- ((0+1)*)
- { Σ∈a*|acontains only 0's or only 1's}
- ((00*)+(11*))
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