Quick Sort
It is one of the most popular sorting techniques. Quick sort possesses a very good average case behavior among all the sorting techniques. This is developed by C.A.R Hoare.
The quick sort algorithm works by partitioning the array to be sorted. And each partition is in turn sorted recursively. In partition one of the array elements is chosen is as a key value. This key value can be first elements of an array. That is if a is an array then key=a[0] and rest the array elements are grouped into two partitions such that
One partition contains elements smaller than the key value.
Another partition contains elements larger than the key value.

As an example consider an array with the following elements.
45 26 77 14 68 61 97 39 99 90
Here 45 is selected as a key value. Then two indices namely low and high are used to indicate the element (key+1) and the last element the low index starts on the left and selects an element that is greater than the key value. Then these elements are interchanged. This process is repeated until all elements to the left of the key are smaller than the key value. And all elements to the right of the key are greater than the key value.
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