Project Management Information Systems Assignment Help

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Project Management Information Systems (PMIS):

At the organizational level, there can be projects that add hundreds of tasks and numerous work projects. A Project Management Information System (PMIS) helps in planning, scheduling, and tracking the several tasks and function involved in those projects. A PMIS is an information system that has a set of automated tools and methods which are used for gathering, integrating, and disseminating the results obtained from the project management processes. Following are the steps involved in obtaning a PMIS:

  • A comprehensive set of selection criteria could be compiled first. These criteria could have capabilities relating to project planning, resource management, report generation, tracking, etc.
  • A set of priorities could be laid out for the items lied on the extent to which they are needed. For instance, items may be prioritized based on those that are a must have, nice to have, and not required at all.
  • A preliminary evaluation of the software packages could be conducted with the help of data supplied by the vendor, the product reviews, and the software surveys.
  • Each software package could be compared with a standard project which shows the current and the forecasted future requirements.
  • The last stage adds negotiation of price, especially if the organization is purchasing in large volumes. The other terms in the contract like support from the vendors, training, maintenance of the product, etc. could also be negotiated at this stage. 

A PMIS gives support to all the processes in a project right from the initial stage through the final stage. The several processes involved in a project are initiation, planning, control, implementation and verification of project completion. It behaves as a repository for all the project information and helps in sharing knowledge across the project teams. It directs and organize the execution of a project and coordinates the several activities among the project team members.

A PMIS is completely driven by a computer system. This activates it to devise a project plan, identify the resource needs, compute the costs, list out the possible outcomes and expectations, and bring out the final document. It gives document management and collaboration tools that help the project team members to coordinate and work on the project. These tools are accessible within an organization and are integrated into a system. They are used in controlling the information and in developing the scope of the project.

A PMIS enables the project manager to give the needed information to the project team members in the form of reports. It enables the project manager to update the project schedules on a regular basis. It helps in monitoring and controlling the costs and other resources involved in the project. It defines the variances (differences between actual and planned performance), which helps in monitoring the processes. A PMIS contains project documents and controls the ability of the user to change those documents. It alerts the team members when the documents are changed. It is used as a reporting and tracking tool to check the progress of the project from time to time.

A project manager faces the following problems due to the PMIS:

  • Verification of PMIS: The PMIS reports might not always highlight the actual problems involved. Also, they may simply comprehend the existing problems without providing any solutions.
  • Excess information: The PMIS may provide an overdose of reporting and data representation. The charts, tables, data, and general information would further intensify confusion in decision-making.
  • Over-dependence on reports: The project manager or the top management will start depending excessively on the PMIS reports. Due to this, they would no longer be proactive in dealing with the problems.
  • PMIS misdirection: The PMIS does not equally cover all the project areas. Too much stress is laid upon certain areas while other areas are neglected. This ultimately results in an imbalance.

The PMIS software should have the following characteristics or attributes:

  • It should be user-friendly and have clear and logical manuals. For instance, a PMIS should be able to support a training program that informs the users about the characteristics of the software.
  • It should also be able to recalculate the schedules and the resource records whenever any information is updated.
  • It should enable automatic recalculation along with updating the time, costs, and other resources. Tools like Gantt charts help in representing data effectively and meaningfully. The PMIS software should display the PERT and CPM network for the project. It should show up the scheduled start, slack/float, latest finish, planned finish, and actual finish times of the project.
  • It should contain the budget details. This would help the project manager to plan, monitor, and control the processes.


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