Portfolio Analysis
Basically, a group of securities held together as investment is a portfolio. Capitalist invest their assets in the form of money in a portfolio of securities rather than in a single security to avoid risk. By constructing a portfolio, capitalist attempt to disperse risk by not putting all the eggs in the same basket. Thus, by diversification on one's holdings is intended to cut down the risk in the investment.
Security analysis provides a set of worthwhile desirable securities to the investor, from which an indefinitely large number of portfolios can be constructed. This can be done by changing the proportion of investment in each security and selecting different sets of securities. Each individual security has its own risk return feature that can be evaluated and conveyed quantitatively. Each portfolio constructed by combining the individual securities has its own specific risk and return features that are not just the combination of the individual security features. The risk and return of each portfolio has to be estimated mathematically and expressed quantitatively.
Portfolio analysis phase of portfolio management consists of distinguishing the range of potential portfolios that can be established from a given set of securities and estimating their risk and return for further analysis.
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