Periodic signal
The discrete-time signal x(n) is periodic if, for some integer N > 0
x(n+N) = x(n) for all n
The smallest value of N which is appropriate for this relation is (fundamental) period of the signal. If there is no integer N of this type, then x(n) is an aperiodic signal.
Given that the continuous-time signal xa(t) is periodic, that is, xa(t) = xa(t+T0) for all t, and that x(n) is obtained by sampling xa(t) at T second intervals, x(n) will be periodic if T0/T is a rational number but not otherwise. If T0/T = N/L for integers N ≥ 1 and L ≥ 1 then x(n) has exactly N samples in L periods of xa(t) and x(n) is periodic with period N.
Periodicity of sinusoidal sequences The sinusoidal sequence sin (2πf0n) has many major differences from the continuous-time sinusoid which are as follows:
a) The sinusoid x(n) = sin (2πf0n) or sin (ω0n) is periodic in nature if f0, which means that, ω0/2π, is rational. If f0 is not rational sequence is not periodic in nature. By replacing n with (n+N) we get the following result
x(n+N) = sin (2πf0 (n+N)) = sin 2πf0n. cos 2πf0N + cos 2πf0n. sin 2πf0N
Visibly x(n+N) will be equal to x(n) if f0N = m, an integer or f0 = m/N. The fundamental period can be obtained by choosing m as the smallest integer which yields an integer value for N. For instance, if f0 = 15/25, the reduced fraction form of which is 3/5, then we can select m = 3 and obtain N = 5 as the period. If f0 is rational in nature then f0 = p/q here q and p are integers. If p/q is in the reduced fraction form then q is period as shown in the above example.
Conversely if f0 is irrational, say f0 = √2 , then N will not be an integer, and therefore x(n) is aperiodic.
Note: In expressions such as sin 2pfn , sinωn , and e jω n we shall refer to ω or f as the e jω n
frequency even when signal concerned to this is not periodic by the definition above.
b) The sinusoidal sequences sin ω0n and sin ((ω0+2Πk)n) for 0 ≤ ω0 ≤ 2π are similar. This can be shown by using the identity
sin ((ω0+2πk)n) = sin (ω0n+2πkn)
= sin ω0n cos 2πkn + cos ω0n sin 2πkn
Likewise, cos ω0n and cos ((ω0+2πk)n) are same. Thus in considering sinusoidal sequences for the purposes of analysis, ω0 can be restricted to range 0 ≤ ω0 ≤ π without any loss of generality.
c) For π < ω0 < 2π, based on same trigonometric identities,
sin ω0n is negative of sin ((2π-ω0)n), and
cos ω0n is same as cos ((2π-ω0)n)
The sum of 2 discrete-time periodic sequences is also periodic in nature. Let x(n) be the sum of 2 periodic sequences, x1(n) and x2(n), having periods N1 and N2 respectively. Let p and q be 2 integers so that
pN1 = qN2 = N (p and q can always be found)
Then x(n) is periodic with the period N, for all n,
x(n+N) = x1(n+N) + x2(n+N)
= x1(n+pN1) + x2(n+qN2)
= x1(n) + x2(n)
= x(n) for all n
Odd and even sequences The signal x(n) is the even sequence if x(n) = x(-n) for all n, and is an odd sequence if x(n) = -x(-n) for all n.

The even part of x(n) is determined as xe(n) =
and the odd part of x(n) is given by
. The signal x(n) then can be given by x(n) = xe(n) + x0(n)
Example: Plot sequences x1(n) = 2 cos n and x2(n) = 2 cos (0.2πn). What are their frequencies? Which is truly periodic out of them and what is periodicity of it?
Solution The MATLAB program segment is as follows:
N = 21; n = 0: N-1;
%Nonperiodic x1= 2*cos(1*n);
subplot(2, 1, 1), stem(n, x1);
xlabel('n'), ylabel('x1'); title('x1 = 2 cos 1n');
x2 = 2*cos(0.2*pi*n);
subplot(2, 1, 2), stem(n, x2);
xlabel('n'), ylabel('x2'); title('x2 = 2 cos 0.2\pi n');

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