Other listeners Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Component listeners in Java >> Other listeners

Other listeners:

The examples given in the previous sections will be sufficient to show you how to link any event to your program code, because the pattern is the same in every case. This is the power of the Swing system.

We have introduced you here to the basic approach to event programming. There are of course many more subtle issues that we could have looked at, such as defining classes that combine a component with its listener. For example, we can define a button that will listen for itself being clicked. In a program, we then simply create instances of these buttons as normal, but they have the added advantage of containing the necessary code to act on the event of their being clicked. In this case, we would define a button that extended JButton and implemented ActionListener. We will leave this as an activity for you to pursue when you have sufficient time available.

Other common listeners that you will encounter include:

  • AdjustmentListener, which contains the single method adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent) and is used by JScrollBar;
  • ItemListener, which contains the single method itemStateChanged (ItemEvent) and is used by JCheckBox and JComboBox;
  • ListSelectionListener, which is used by JList and contains the single method valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent).

As we have done many times before, we urge you to use the Java reference facilities in your IDE to find out what is available. One of the advantages and disadvantages of Java is the existence of huge numbers of different libraries, and being aware of what is available is useful.


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