Operators & Types of Operators Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Introduction to C language >> Operators & Types of Operators

Operators are symbols that act upon data. An operator specifies the operation that is to be performed on the operands in a formula or equation. An operand is the data on which the operator acts upon. There are about 45 different operators in C, but unfortunately there is no consideration about operator for exponentiation. Depending upon the number of operands use by an operator in its operation, we can define three categories of operators:

1.       Unary operators: operates only on one operand.

2.       Binary operators: operates on two operands.

3.       Ternary operators: uses three operands in their operation.

Types of Operators

 Based on the function performed, the operators provided by the C can be classified in the following categories:

1.       Arithmetic operators

2.       Increment and Decrement operators

3.       Relational or comparison operators

4.       Logical operators

5.       Bit-wise operators

6.       Conditional operator

7.       Assignment/compound assignment operators

8.       Special operators

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