Non-Industrial Applications of Linear Programming Assignment Help

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Non-Industrial Applications of linear programming. Linear programming techniques/tools can be applied in the case of non-industrial applications as well. Examples of the use of L.P techniques for non-industrial applications are given below;

Agriculture: among the agriculture applications linear programming techniques may be useful for land allocation and animal diet problems. L.P. may help in determining the allocation of land for different crops/vegetables, so that a farmer can either minimize his costs or maximize profit subject to certain crop requirements.

Environmental Protection. Linear programming may be used to analyze alternatives for handing liquid waste material in order to satisfy antipollution requirements L.P has also been used as a tool in the analysis of paper recycling air cleaner design and analysis of alternative energy policies.

Urban Department: Recently L.P. has been used to analyze public expenditure planning school busing and drug control. Political redistricting and financial analysis of new community development processes have also been tack led with L.P.

Facilities Location: Location analysis by linear programming includes the locations of public parks and recreation areas within communities of hospitals ambulance depots, nuclear power telephone exchanges and warehouses for centralized distribution.

1.      Further applications of linear programming are;

2.      In structural design for maximum product.

3.      In balancing assembly lines.

4.      In scheduling of a military tanker fleet

5.      In determining which parts to make and which to buy to obtain maximum profit margin.

6.      In selecting equipment and evaluating methods improvements that maximize profit margin.

7.      In planning most profitable match of sales requirements to plant capacity that obtains a fair share of the market.

8.      In design of optimal purchasing policies.

The applications of linear programming described above do not constitute a complete list of linear programming applications by any means as this technique has been successfully employed in solving numerous other problems also.

Note. The reader interested in learning about additional applications of LP is suggested a text by gauss. In this text the author presents a bibliography of over one hundred business and industrial applications of the technique.

Gas, S.J. Illustrated Guide to Linear Programming New York. Megraw Hill 1970.

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