Methods that have arguments Assignment Help

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Methods that have arguments:

Most methods we have described so far have had no arguments. Invoking the moveTo method causes a robot to move from its current position to a new point, specified by two arguments as follows:

meetoo.moveTo(5, 1);

The code to be executed in response to such a method invocation is defined within the Robot class. The code required for this method is shown below:

public void moveTo (int nextXPos, int nextYPos)
x = nextXPos;
y = nextYPos;


The method header shows that this method returns no value and has two integer arguments, nextXPos and nextYPos. The two arguments specify the desired next position of the robot.

The arguments nextXPos and nextYPos are known as formal arguments. The values used as arguments when the method is invoked (such as 5 and 1 in the above example) are known as actual arguments.

To put it another way - when the method is invoked, every occurrence of a formal argument in the method body is replaced by the value of the corresponding actual argument. So if we have the following method invocation:

meetoo.moveTo(3, 2);

then the code of the method moveTo will be executed as follows:
replace formal argument nextXPos by actual argument 3;
replace formal argument nextYPos by actual argument 2;

Here is the original code for the method body:

x = nextXPos;
y = nextYPos;

Making the replacements results in the following statements to be executed:

x= 3;
y= 2;

This updates the instance variables x and y, and hence the state of the Robot object. The name of a method together with the number and types of its arguments is known as the method signature. This defines what is needed in order to invoke the method.


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