Extraction of mercury, Properties of mercury, d-block Elements Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> d - Block Elements >> Extraction of mercury, Properties of mercury, d-block Elements


The extraction and occurrence of mercury:

The cinnabar (i.e., HgS) is the only vital ore of Hg. This ore is concentrated through froth floatation technique and this is extracted from this ore by heating it in air at the temperature of 773-873 K (i.e., auto reduction).


The mercury vapors so obtained are condensed to provide liquid metal. Hg so obtained comprises impurities of Sn Zn, and Pb. These can be eliminated by treating the impure metal with dilute HNO3, mercurous nitrate, Hg2 (NO3)2 as a result made react with metals existed as impurities forming their nitrates that pass into solution leaving behind pure mercury. However, it is finest purified by distillation beneath decreased pressure.


 Identical reaction is offered through Pb and Sn.

 Properties of mercury:

Hg is very less reactive than Zn. This is liquid at room temperature and has pretty low thermal and electrical conductivity. Mercury builds up dimeric mercury (I) ions, Hg22+ in which two atoms are bonded by the covalent bond. This is steadily oxidized onto HgO at as regards its boiling point. Hg does not react with dilute HCl or dil.H2SO4 however reacts with hot concentrated H2SO4 to make HgSO4, it reacts with warm dilute and concentrated HNO3 both sprouting NO and NO2 correspondingly.


 Hg does not react with steam or water and hence cannot make any hydroxide.

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