Memory Protection Assignment Help

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Memory Protection

The  area  in  the  memory  that  a  process  is  permitted  to  access  is  called  as  process address space . To ensure accurate operation of a computer system, we require ensuring that a process cannot access memory outside the address space. If we don't do this then a process might, accidentally or deliberately, overwrite the address space of another process or memory space belonging to the operating system (such as for the interrupt vector table).

Using two CPU registers, which are specifically designed for this purpose, can give the memory protection. These registered are as follows:

Base register - it contains the smallest legal physical memory address for a process

Limit register - it holds the size of the process

When a process is loaded into memory, the base register is initialized with the beginning address of the process and the limit register is initialized with the size. Memory outside the defined range is secluded because the CPU checks that every address generated by process falls within the memory range defined by the values stored in base and limit registers, as shown in Figure drawn below

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Figure Hardware address protection with base and limit registers

In Figure drawn below we use an example to illustrate how the concept given above works. The base and limit registers are initialized to describe the address space of a process. The process begins at memory location 300040 and its size is 120900 bytes (supposing that memory is byte addressable). Throughout the execution of this process, the CPU insures (by using the logic outlined in Figure drawn above) that all the addresses generated by this process are greater than or equal to 300040 and less than the (300040+120900), thereby preventing this process to access any memory area in exterior of its address space. Loading the base and limit registers are the privileged instructions.

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Figure Use of Base and Limit Register


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