Measurement of angles:
There are 2 systems used for measurement of angles.
Sexagesimal system:
Here a right angle can be divided into 90 equal parts called as degrees. Each degree can be divided into 60 equal parts called as minutes and each minute is divided further into 60 equal parts called as seconds.
60 seconds (or 60") = 1 minute (or 1')
60 minutes (or 60¢) = 1 degree (or 1°)
90 degrees (or 90°) = 1 right angle
Circular Measurement:
In this system a unit called as 'Radian' is defined below:
One Radian (1c) =
That is one radian corresponds to the angle subtended by arc of length 'r' at centre of circle.
As the ratio is independent of size of a circle it follows that 'radian' is a constant quantity. The circumference of the circle is always equal to p times its diameter or 2p times its radius.

For a general angle, for example
Remember that the angles at centre of a circle are in proportion to arc.
That is 
The p is a real number whereas pc stands for 180°.
Remember that the relation p radians = 180° = 200g
1 Radian = 2/Π x a right angle = 1800/Π
= 1800 x 0.3183098862..... = 57.29577950 = 57017'44.8'' nearly.
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