Anything that exhibits inertia is known as matter. The quantity of matter is its mass. e.g. chalk table.
Classification of Matter
This classification of matter is based upon chemical composition of various substances. According to this matter can be further divided into two types, pure substance and mixture. Mixtures are also of two types, homogenous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures.

The primary stuff present in all the substance is known as element, whose smallest unit is known as atom. Total 112 elements are known till date of which 92 are naturally occurring elements rest are results of artificial transmutation. There are 88 metals, 18 non metals and 6 metalloids.
A non elemental pure substance is called a compound in which more than one atom of elements are linked by chemical bonds formed due to chemical reaction. The resulting molecule is an electrically neutral particle of constant continuous composition.
Mixtures are the aggregate of more than one type of pure substance whose chemical identity remains maintained even in mixtures. Their constituent ratio may vary unlike compound.
For example - sugar + water = sugar syrup, Gun-powder contain 75 % KNO3 10% sulphur + 15% carbon
There are two types of mixture (a) homogeneous (b) heterogeneous
(a) Homogeneous mixtures are those whose composition for each part remains constant. For example aqueous and gaseous solution.
(b) Heterogeneous mixtures are those whose composition may vary for each and every part. For example soil, concrete mixtures. - Matter and Classification of Matter Assignment Help, Matter and Classification of Matter Homework Help, Matter and Classification of Matter Assignment Tutors, Matter and Classification of Matter Solutions, Matter and Classification of Matter Answers, Chemical Arithmetic Assignment Tutors, Chemistry Tutorials.