Mac - Operating system Assignment Help

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Mac OS

The Mac OS or Macintosh operating system was developed by Apple Inc. for their Macintosh line of personal computer systems. The Mac OS featured the GUI for the first time. The original Mac OS was released in 1984. It consisted of an OS called the system and a separate shell called the finder. Mac OS is widely considered to be the easiest OS for first-time computer users.

In March 2001, Apple Inc. officially released the Mac OS X Version 10.0. It integrates the powerful features of UNIX with the simple features of the original Mac OS. The user interface in Mac OS X is called Aqua. The Aqua interface is built on three graphics technologies namely, Quartz, OpenGL, and QuickTime. Aqua includes features called the finder and the dock. The finder has a search feature that enables users to search for files and folders. It facilitates navigation onscreen and enables easy access to frequently used files and folders. The feature called dock allows an application or a document to open automatically and immediately when the user logs in to the system.

A UNIX-based OS called Darwin is the backbone of the Mac OS X and it enables incorporation of powerful UNIX capabilities such as stability and portability. The advanced features in Mac OS X are protected memory, preemptive multi-tasking, advanced memory management, and symmetric multi-processing. The Mac OS X is best suited for Internet applications and computer graphics and is easy to use and learn.


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