Linear Searching Algorithms, Efficiency of Sequential Searching Assignment Help

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Linear Searching

            In linear search we access each element of an array one by one sequentially and see whether it is desired element or not. A search will be unsuccessful if all the elements are accessed and the desired is not found. In the worst case the number of average case we may have to scan half of the size of the array (n/2). Therefore linear search can be defined as the technique which traverses the array sequentially to locate the given item. The program given below demonstrates the searching of an element of the array using search.

Efficiency of sequential searching

            The time taken or the number of comparisons made in searching a record in a search table determines the efficiency of the technique.

            If the desired record is present in the first position of the search table then only one comparison is made. If the desired record is the last one, then n comparison have to be made. If the record is present somewhere in the search table on an average the number of comparison will be (n+1)/2. The worst case efficiency of this technique is O (n) stands for the order of execution.


Here a is a linear array with n elements and item is a given item of information. This algorithm finds the location loc of item in a or sets loc =0 if the search is unsuccessful.

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