Least Fixed-Points:
Context-free languages can be characterized as least fixed points of certain functions induced by grammars. The characterization yields a quick proof which every context- free grammar can be converted to Greibach Normal Form. This characterization reveals clearly the recursive nature of the context-free languages.
We start by reviewing what we require from the theory of partially ordered sets.
Definition: Given a partially ordered set A, ≤ , an ω-chain (an )n≥0 is a sequence such that an ≤ an+1 for all n ≥ 0. The least-upper bound of an ω-chain (an) is an element a ∈ A such that:
(1) an ≤ a, for all n ≥ 0;
(2) For any b ∈ A, if an ≤ b, for all n ≥ 0, then a ≤ b.
A partially ordered set A, ≤ is an ω-chain complete poset iff it has a least element ⊥, and iff every ω-chain has a upper bound denoted by
Remark : The ω in ω-chain means that we are considering countable chains (ω is ordinal associated with the order-type of set of natural numbers). This notation can seem arcane, but is standard in denotational semantics.
For instance, given any set X , the power set 2X ordered by inclusion is an ω-chain complete poset with least element ∅. The Cartesian product 2X × ··· × 2X ordered such that
(A1 ,..., An ) ≤ (B1 ,..., Bn )
iff Ai ⊆ Bi (here Ai , Bi ∈ 2X) is an ω-chain complete poset with least element (∅,..., ∅). We are interested in functions between partially ordered sets.
Problem: Given any 2 partially ordered sets (A1, ≤1) and (A2,≤2) , a function f : A1→ A2 is monotonic iff for all x, y ∈ A1,
x ≤1y which implies that f (x) ≤2 f (y).
If (A1, ≤1) and (A2, ≤2) are ω-chain complete posets, a function f : A1 → A2 is ω-continuous iff it is monotonic, and for ω-chain (an),
f (
an)= f (
Remark : We are not we do not require an ω-continuous function f : A1 → A2 preserve least elements, that is, it is possible that f (⊥1 ) =⊥2 .
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