Laws of Thermochemistry Assignment Help

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Laws of thermochemistry

         (1) Levoisier and Laplace law : In accordance to this law enthalpy of decomposition of the compound is numerically equal to the enthalpy of formation of that specific compound with opposite sign,

        1994_Laplace law.png

         (2) Hess's law (law of the constant heat summation): This law was presented by Hess in the year 1840. According to this law If a chemical reaction can be made to take place in a number of ways in one or in several steps, the total enthalpy change (total heat change) is always the same, that is the total enthalpy change is no dependent on the intermediate steps involved in the change. Enthalpy change of a chemical reaction depends on the initial and final stages only. Assume that the substance A be changed in three steps to D with enthalpy change from A to B, ?H1 calorie, from B to C,?H2 calorie and from C to D,?H3 calorie. The total enthalpy change from A to D will be equal to sum of the enthalpies involved in various steps,         
the total enthalpy change will be 1857_hess law.png

         Now if D is directly converted into A, let the enthalpy change be 177_hess law1.png  According to Hess's law 1156_hess law2.png  i.e. 2057_hess law3.png     must be equal to 177_hess law1.png     numerically but with opposite sign. In case it is not so, say 2057_hess law3.png (which is negative) is more that 177_hess law1.png (which is positive), then will be in one cycle, some of the energy will be created which is not possible on the basis of first law of thermodynamics. Thus, 2057_hess law3.png  must be equal to 177_hess law1.png  numerically.

         (i) Experimental verification of the Hess's law is as follows

         (a) Formation of the carbon dioxide from carbon

First method : carbon is directly converted into CO2 (g)

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         Second method : Carbon is first converted into CO (g) and then CO (g) into CO2 (g), i.e. conversion has been carried in two steps,

       328_hess law5.png

         Total enthalpy change C(s) to CO2 (g) 1855_hess law6.png

         (b) Formation of the ammonium chloride from ammonia and hydrochloric acid:

First method     292_hess law7.png     

         NH4Cl(g)+aq= NH4Cl(aq); DH = + 4.0 kcal

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         (ii) Applications of Hess's law

         (a) For determination of the enthalpies of formation of those compounds which cannot be prepared directly from the elements easily using enthalpies of combustion of compounds.

         (b) For the determination of enthalpies of extremely slow reactions.

         (c) For determination of the enthalpies of transformation of one allotropic form into another.

         (d) For determination of the bond energies.

            2373_hess law10.png The Bond energies of reactants -the sum of Bond energies of products.

         (e) For determination of the resonance energy.

         (f) For determination of the lattice energy.


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