Job Design Assignment Help

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While employee productivity is important for any organization, managers should ensure that the workers are satisfied with their jobs. The degree, to which employees are motivated while performing their work, is dependent to a large extent on the activities and responsibilities entrusted to them in their jobs. Organizations should strive to incorporate new approaches and methodologies to improve efficiency and productivity when designing jobs.

Production systems primarily emphasize on efficiency by aiming at maximizing the output from per unit time of employee effort. On the other hand, workers seek work, which interests them, while customers want low cost, high quality and prompt deliveries of products. Therefore, the challenge for operations managers is to accommodate customer and employee needs, and to eliminate inefficiencies in operations and thereby survive in global and domestic competition. To achieve these goals, organizations should provide the right atmosphere - physical and psychological - so that workers can perform optimally.

This chapter focuses on the issues of job design for making a job comfortable for an employee and productive for the employer. The chapter discusses how jobs are designed, how workers are supported and motivated, how job standards are set, and how workers are organized in order to operate the production system at an optimal level. 

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