Interrupts – handling incoming signal values Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Working of DSP Processor >> Interrupts – handling incoming signal values

Interrupts - handling incoming signal values

A context switch is when the processor stops what it has been doing and begins doing something else resulting in a requirement to save/change the contents of pointers, registers, counters, flags etc. A hardware mechanism known as interrupt forces a context switch to a predefined routine called as interrupt handler for event in the question.

  One major difference in between the DSP processor and other types of CPU is speed of the context switch. A general utility CPU can have a latency (the time from when the interrupt is requested to the point where interrupt handler starts to execute) of several 10 of clock cycles to perform a context switch, whereas DSPs have the ability to do a low latency (even zero-overhead) interrupt.

  The important reason for the fast context switch is the requirement to capture incoming signal values (which are based on interrupt-based). These signal values are processed either immediately or stored in the buffer for later processing. The DSP fast interrupt is typically accomplished by saving just small portion of the context and having hardware support for this procedure.

  The signal values are input to and output from DSP through the ports. Serial ports are used for the low rate signals - bits are moved in or out 1 bit per clock cycle through the internal shift register. Parallel ports (8 or 16 bits) are faster but need more pins on the DSP chip itself. Speed up further of the data transfer is made possible through the DMA (Direct Memory Access) channels. 


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