Integral types Assignment Help

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Integral types:

The integral types are called byte, short, int and long.All of these types are said to be signed, meaning that they can hold positive or negative numbers.Each has a different capacity. For example, a byte can store any number between -128 and 127, whereas a short can store anumber between -32768 and 32767.

In general, you should pick the type that occupies the least memory and meets your needs for the range of numbers you wish to store. However,for convenience, we will use int whenever we want to deal with integers.

Integer literals are of type int,and so are compatible with int type variables.

To declare two variables of type int and initialize them we write:

int myInt;
int myOtherInt;
myInt =888;
myOtherInt = -2;

The last two statements store the value 888 in the memory reserved for myInt and the value -2inthe memory reserved for myOtherInt. We can change the value stored by writing another assignment statement,for example:

myInt =777;

or we can assign one identi?er to another as follows:

myInt =myOtherInt;

This will copy the contents of the memory location whose name is myOtherInt into the memory location whose name is myInt.


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