Inheritance Basics and Inheritance with Packages
Inheritance is the mechanism of organizing and structuring software program. Though objects are differentiated from each other by some additional characteristics but there are objects that share specific things common. In object oriented programming classes inherit common behavior and state from others. Inheritance in object oriented programming permits user to specify a general class and to organize some other classes simply by adding some details with the old class definition. This preserves work as the special class inherits all the attributes of the old general class. A programmer only needs the new features. This helps in accurate coding, data analysis and reduces development time.
In object oriented programming, inheritance determines a relationship between classes, of objects in which one is a subtype of the other. The child inherits characteristics of the parent, allowing for shared functionality. For instance, one might create a variable class Mammal with characteristics such as eating, reproducing, etc., then define a subtype "Cat" that inherits those features without having to in an explicit manner program them, while adding new characteristics like chasing mice.
Major types of Inheritance are mentioned below:
1. Single Inheritance
It is a assumption where one class is inheriting or extending the behavior of one super class.
public class Ferrari extends Car {...}
2. Multilevel Inheritance
A scenario where one class is inheriting or extending the behavior of another class which in turn is inheriting behavior from a class.
public class Automobile {...}
Public class Car extends Automobile {...}
Public class Ferrari extends Car {...}
This multilevel inheritance has no limitations on the number of levels it can go. It is limitless, as far as java goes. But for sustainable and ease of use sake it is better to keep the inheritance levels to a single digit number.
3. Multiple Inheritances
Java does not support multiple inheritances, but user can accomplish partial multiple inheritance using interfaces. Unlike C or C++ where user can do direct multiple inheritance. However, with the help of interfaces, user can achieve partial multiple inheritance.
public class FerrariF12011 extends Ferrari implements Car, Automobile {...}
Here there is an assumption that Car and Automobile are interfaces.
4. Hybrid Inheritance
This is the scenario where in java code displays attributes of more than one of the inheritance explained above.
Public class FerrariF12011 extends Ferrari implements Car, Automobile {...}
This example is a combination of both single and multiple inheritance.
Inheritance is important mode to reuse code when classes share an is-a relationship. If two or more classes share common behaviors as one is a more general type of the other, this intimates that the more specific type can "inherit" those behaviors from the more general type.
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