Images Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Animation >> Images


We complete this section on animation with a brief study of the alternative approach to creating moving images on screen - that of displaying preformed images at a suitable speed. Java has a very rich collection of classes and methods to achieve this task. The main class is the Image class. For example:

private Image picture = null;

An image can then be assigned to variable picture from a file in GIF, JPEG or PNG
format. Images can also be accessed using a URL:

picture = getToolKit( ).getImage("mypicture.gif");

This would assign the image mypicture.gif to variable picture. An image is then displayed using drawImage within a paint method:

g.drawImage(picture, 0, 0, this);

There are several drawImage methods in the Graphics class. The above example takes as its arguments an Image, the x- and y-coordinates to draw at and an ImageObserver. In this case, the ImageObserver is the main class itself and it is simply acting as somewhere to receive notifications about Image information as the Image is constructed. This is denoted by the use of the Java keyword this.

Using these basic classes and methods, typically many images would be loaded into an array or vector. These would then be displayed with a suitable 'sleep' period to allow the images to be drawn and to fool the eye into seeing a moving image rather than a slide show of individual images. 


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