Hazards of radiations Assignment Help

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Hazards of radiations 

The increased pace of the synthesis and use of radio isotopes has led to increased concern about effect of the radiations on matter, specifically in biological systems. The accident of Chernobyl occurred in the year 1986 in USSR is no older when radioisotopes caused a hazard there. The nuclear radiations (beta, alpha, gamma as well the as X-rays) possess energies far in excess of ordinary bond energies and ionisation energies. As a result, these radiations are able to break up and ionise the molecules present in the living organisms if they are exposed to such radiations. This disrupts the usual functions of living organisms. This damage caused by the radiations, though, depends upon radiations received. This resultant radiation damage to the living system can be classified as follows,

(1)Somatic or pathological damage: This affects organism during its own life time. It is the permanent damage caused to living civilization produced in the body. Larger dose of the radiations cause immediate death whereas the smaller doses can cause the development of several diseases like paralysis, nausea, leukaemia, burns, cancer, fatigue, nausea, diarrhoea, gastrointestinal problems etc. some of these diseases are fatal in nature. Number of scientists presently believes that effect of radiations is proportional to the exposure, even down to low exposures. This means that any quantity of radiation causes some finite risk to the living civilization.

(2) Genetic damage : As this term implies, radiations can develop genetic effect. This type of damage is developed when the radiations affect genes and the chromosomes, body's reproductive material. Genetic effects are more complicated to study than the somatic ones because they can not become apparent for the several generations.


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