Hardware Java Assignment Help

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Hardware Java:

Many modern technological devices or systems contain computer systems to enable them to work although the device or system, as a whole, has a wider purpose and would not be regarded as a computer system. From the computing point of view, such devices or systems are known as embedded devices or embedded systems - they contain a computer system embedded within them.

Java is now used or planned to be used in many embedded devices, such as medical equipment, printers, TV set-top boxes or car engine management. This is an interesting return to the roots of Java - it was originally devised as a language to be used for networked embedded devices. It was not immediately successful in this role and, for some time, Java became a solution in search of a problem. Like many inventions, it initially found application in a completely different area from that envisaged by its developers. It became extremely popular first for use in applets on the web and then as a general purpose programming language.

In this section, we briefiy survey how Java is being used or adapted for embedded systems.


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