Halting problem:
- Given a Turing machine T and string z, does T halt on z?
- Given a program P and input z, does P halt on z?
- Halt = {wΣ∈*| w=e(T)e(z) for a Turing machine T halting on z}.
- Halt = {<T,z>| T is a Turing machine halting on z}.
Halting problem is undecidable:
Let Halt = {<T,z>| T is a Turing machine halting on z}. (Guess Halt is in R.E., but not co-R.E.)
(We want a Turing-computable f n f(<T1>)=<T2 ,z> such that
- T1 accepts e(T1) -> T2 halts on z
- T1 does not accept e(T1) -> T2 does not halt on z
Then, a possible function is f(<T>) = <T, e(T)> because T accepts e(T) ↔ T stops on e(T).)
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