Greibach Normal Form Assignment Help

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Greibach Normal Form:

Every CFG G can also be converted to an equivalent grammar in Greibach Normal Form. A context-free grammar G = (V, Σ, P, S) is in Greibach Normal Form iff its productions are of the form shown below

A aBC,

A aB,

A a,      or

S → ,

where A, B, C N ,a Σ, S → ∈ is in iff L(G), and S  does not occur on the right-hand side of the production.

Note that a grammar in Greibach Normal Form does not contain rules other than possibly S ∈. More importantly,  except the special rule → ∈, every rule produces some terminal symbol.

A significant consequence of the Greibach Normal Form is that every nonterminal is not left recursive.  A nonterminal A  is left recursive iff 252_Useless Productions in Context-Free Grammars.png Aα  for α V*.  Left recursive nonterminals cause top-down determinitic  parsers to loop. The Greibach Normal Form provides a method of avoiding this problem.

There are no easy proofs that every CFG is converted to a Greibach Normal Form. A particularly elegant method because of Rosenkrantz by using least fixed-points.

Lemma 3.6.1   Given a context-free grammar G = (V, Σ, P, S), 1 can construct a context- free grammar G' = (V', Σ,P', S') such that L(G') = L(G) and G'  is in Greibach Normal Form, which means that, a grammar whose productions are of the form the

A aBC,

A aB,

A a,      or

S' → ,

here A, B, C  N', a Σ, S'  is in P' iff L(G), and S'  does not occur on right-hand side of any production in P'.

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