Generation of Computers Assignment Help

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Generation of Computers:

The history of computer development can be understood in terms of five generations of computers. These generations are marked by various technological developments that have transformed the ways in which computers operate. Over the years, computers have become smaller, cheaper, more powerful and efficient, and reliable. These years also saw the development of various devices that act as peripherals to the computer systems.

First generation computers (1940-56)

The first generation computers used vacuum tubes which were fragile glass devices that had the ability to control and amplify the electronic signals. These vacuum tubes were very huge, expensive to operate, required a huge amount of electricity, generated a lot of heat, and were not reliable. The input was fed into the computer using punched cards and paper tape while the output was produced on printouts. These computers used machine language to carry out operations and were able to solve only one problem at a time. UNIVAC and ENIAC are examples of first generation computers.

Second generation computers (1956-63)

The second generation computers used transistors which were smaller and more reliable than the vacuum tubes. These computers were smaller, faster, cheaper, more efficient, and more reliable than the first generation computers. Punched cards were used to enter the input while the output was produced through printouts. These computers used assembly languages to carry out operations. The assembly languages enabled the user to give instructions in the form of words. The main drawback of these computers was that they required frequent maintenance and individual components had to be assembled manually.


Third generation computers (1963-71)

The third generation computers used integrated circuits which greatly enhanced the processing capabilities of the systems. Keyboards and monitors replaced punched cards and printouts. These computers allowed the users to perform many applications at one time. They were smaller, faster, and cheaper than the previous generation of computers. This generation of computers also witnessed the development of concepts such as time sharing and batch processing.

Fourth generation computers (1971-91)

The fourth generation computers saw technological advancements in the manufacture of integrated circuits. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) of the circuits was made possible in which more than one million components were integrated on a single chip. The fourth generation computers are smaller, more powerful, and have the ability to form networks. These features led to the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web. The mouse, handheld devices, and Graphical User Interfaces were also developed during this generation.

Fifth generation computers (1991 and beyond)

The fifth generation computers are based on artificial intelligence and possess voice recognition capabilities. These computers use parallel processing of semiconductors for advanced computing. Computers of this generation have the ability to respond to natural languages and are capable of learning and self-organization.


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