Formulation of Linear Programming Problems Assignment Help

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Formulation of Linear Programming Problems

The formulation of a linear programming problem is the most vital and difficult aspect of solving a real problem. Even though there is no fixed pattern in formulating a linear programming problem, operations managers can follow the procedure explained below:

Identify the Decision Variables

The decision-maker should first identify the variables that are under his control and can be changed in order to optimize the objective function. These variables are called decision variables and they should be defined completely and precisely.

Define the Objective Function

The objective of the problem and the criteria for evaluating alternative solutions should be well defined. The objective is generally written as a linear function of the decision variables, each multiplied by an appropriate coefficient.               

Identify and Express Relevant Constraints

Once the decision variables and the objective function are defined, the operations manager should identify the constraints that affect the objective function.

The above process of formulation is generally iterative. Table 4.3 illustrates the steps involved in the formulation of a linear programming model for the problem given in the Table 4.2.

Thus, the general form of a linear programming problem can be stated as below:

Maximize Z = C1 x1 + C2 x2+...+ Cn xn

Subject to the constraints;

A11 x1+A12 x2+ ... +A1n xn ≤ b1

A21 x2+A22 x2+...+A2n xn ≤ b2

Am1x1+Am2x2 +...Amn xn ≤ bm

x1, x2, ...xn ≥ 0.

Where, x1, x2, x3, ...xn are a set of variables whose numerical values are to be determined, and

Cij, Aij, and bi are the numeric coefficients that are specified in the problem.

It can be noted that Z is a linear function of variables xi, i.e. when the value of a variable xi increases by unity, the value of Z increases by Ci.

The linear programming model can also be used to minimize the objective function. In this case, the constraints are written with a sign '≥'. The constraints can also be written as linear equalities. Thus, the resulting set of decision variables (values for the n variables, x1, x2, x3...xn) optimizes (either maximize or minimize) the objective function, subject to m constraints and the non-negativity conditions of xj variables.              


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