Crystal system
Space lattice
α = β = ϒ= 90o
Simple: Lattice points at the eight corners of the unit cells.
Body centered: Points at the eight corners and at the body centred.
Face centered: Points at the eight corners and at the six face centres.
Pb, Hg, Ag Au, Cu, ZnS, diamond, KCl, CsCl, NaCl, Cu2O, CaF2 and alums. etc.
a = b ≠ c,
α =β = ϒ = 90o
Simple : Points at the eight corners of the unit cell.

Body centered : Points at the eight corners and at the body centre
SnO2, TiO2
ZnO2, NiSO4
ZrSiO4.PbW O4, white Sn etc.
Orthorhombic (Rhombic)
a ≠b ≠ c,
α =β = ϒ = 90o
Simple: Points at the eight corners of the unit cell.
End centered: Also called side centered or base centered. Points at the eight corners and at two face centres opposite to each other.
Body centered : Points at the eight corners and at the body centre
Face centered: Points at the eight corners and at the six face centres.
PbCO3, BaSO4, rhombic sulphur, MgSO4.7H2O etc.
or Trigonal
a = b = c,
α =β = ϒ ≠ 90o
Simple : Points at the eight corners of the unit cell

NaNO3, CaSO4, calcite, quartz, As, Sb, Bi etc.
a = b ≠ c,
α =β = 90o
ϒ = 120o
Simple: Points at the twelve corners of the unit cell out lined by thick line.

or Points at the twelve corners of the hexagonal prism and at the centres of the two hexagonal faces.
ZnO, PbS, CdS, HgS, graphite, ice, Mg, Zn, Cd etc.
a ≠ b ≠ c,
α = ϒ= 90o
β ≠ 90o
Simple : Points at the eight corners of the unit cell

End centered : Point at the eight corners and at two face centres opposite to the each other.
CaSO4.2H2O monoclinic sulphur etc.
a ≠ b ≠ c,
α ≠ β ≠ ϒ= 90o
Simple : Points at the eight corners of the unit cell.

CaSO4.5H2O K2Cr2O7, H3BO3