Floating-point types Assignment Help

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Floating-point types:

In order to represent numbers that may include fractional parts, we use floating-point You will be familiar with this idea if you have come across scientific notation. In thinotation, the speed of light in avacuum is approximately 2.998 x1 metres per second.

The two parts of the number are its digits, 2.998, and a multiplying factor,1 ,which tells us about the magnitude. The floating-point representation gives rise to the name of one of these types, which is The other ?oating-point type is called (which is short for 'doublprecision'). The type has 32 bits of space and double has 64 bits.

Thus the statement double cashValue =23.8; declares a double precision variable and initializes it to 23.8, which is literal floating-point value. 

Floating-point literals are denoted either by writing them as integerpart .fractionalpar ,as we did above,or by using scientific notation, where the character e or E denotes the fact that the number is to be multiplied by the power of ten of the integer following the e or E.So, if we wanted to write the value for the speed of light we used above,we might have said:

double speed Of Light =2.998e8;

The type of the ?oating-point literal we have shown is double

There is just one primitive type boolean left, the logical type ,which is the simplest of the primitive types! Before that, we shall look at how we can make use of the types we have already discussed.


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