Examples of Decidable problem Assignment Help

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Examples of Decidable problem:

E is recursive:


 E is recursive.


We can construct a regular expression for E according to the  definition of the encoding function as shown below:

R = S 1 (M #)+

S = 0

M = Q , A , Q , A , D Q = 0+

A = 0+

D = 0 + 00 + 000

Then, E is regular, and thus recursive.


SA is recursively enumerable

  • Construct a TM S accepting SA
  • If w is not e(T) for some TM T, S rejects w.
  • If w is e(T) for some TM T, S accepts e(T) iff T accepts e(T).
  • L(S) = {w| w=e(T) for some TM T accepting e(T) = SA.
  • Then, SA is recursively enumerable.


SA is not recursive

  • NSA = E - SA
  • NSA is not recursively enumerable, and therefore not recursive.
  • But E is recursive.
  • From closure property, if L1 and L2 are recursive, then L1 - L2 is recursive.
  • By using its contrapositive, if L1 - L2 is not recursive, then L1 or L2 are not recursive.
  • As NSA is not recursive and E is recursive, then SA is not recursive.




  • A language L is co-R.E. if its complement L' is R.E.
  • It does not mean L is not R.E.


  • SA is R.E. S'A=E'∪NSA is not R.E.

-    S'A is co-R.E., but not R.E.

  • NSA is not R.E. N'SA= E'∪SA is R.E.

-    NSA is co-R.E., but not R.E.

  • E is recursive, R.E., and co-R.E.


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